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Post by letshavetea » Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:16 am

.... oh dear god.

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Post by Original Sin » Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:32 am

Potter wrote:
2. Don't say "evil", it has nothing to do with it. we say the countries we fight are evil, they say were evil, theres no good and evil, just hate. Yes, you and society as a whole do need to grow up, gain some intellectual understanding, and look a little further than "WHOEVER DISAGREES WITH MY VIEWPOINTS AND PERCEPTION OF RIGHT DOING IS EVIL"
Hell, I've got no problem with war...I know better than to think we're going to get rid of it. No, it's not a matter of good and evil...it's a matter of perception and differing points of view.
But if you're going to preach peace, you should understand this....regardless of how 'civilized' the world as a whole wants to become, all it takes is one nation to fuck it all up. Even if every nation on earth were to throw down it's arms and sing hippy songs around a camp fire for the rest of this planets life time...one lone nation with a mind to control could pick up arms and destroy that peace...and if all other nations are disarmed...it just makes it that much easier for a rogue nation to spread havoc, be it for 'freedom,' or what have you.
Do you really think every human being on earth is going to want to live peacefully? It's not going to happen. Even if the majority were to live a life of pascifism, not everyone will fit the bill, and all it takes is a handful to spoil the party...especially if there's no military to supress an uprising.

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Post by danc1005 » Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:34 am

Let's kill off all the rebels and create a superior race.

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Post by SoDeepPolaris » Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:36 pm

dance1005 wrote:Let's kill off all the rebels and create a superior race.
Size 0 jk my ass.
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Post by Potter » Sun Apr 22, 2007 1:56 pm

I guess this thread has made it obvious now it's not going to be in my lifetime we learn better
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Post by danc1005 » Sun Apr 22, 2007 1:57 pm

Potter stop talking.

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Post by Potter » Sun Apr 22, 2007 2:08 pm

go play PIU dan, theres some over your head conversation here
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Post by Original Sin » Sun Apr 22, 2007 2:10 pm

Potter wrote:I guess this thread has made it obvious now it's not going to be in my lifetime we learn better
But what makes you think your point of view is the right one? Once again, it all comes back to perception. You believe there's no place for violence. But does everyone?
And how does one reason with a man/nation who would kill you and yours with no second thought? Do you reason, do you use diplomacy? There are some people that you cannot settle things with through words, especially when it comes to these so called 'holy wars.'

I'm not a war hawk. I'd prefer we don't go to war if we can avoid it, but there are some situations where diplomacy will never work. Some view points are so different that there is no compromise between them. It seems western ideals vs. muslim extremists is becoming one of those situations where there is no easy answer...even if we take the high road and try to ignore them, many members of their ranks are hell bent on wiping us out anyway, whether we're 'at war' or not.

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Post by Potter » Sun Apr 22, 2007 2:17 pm

It comes naturally with intelligence, this is taught to us as children, violence solves nothing, and when it does, it is very little and comes with great loss. Someday, beyond the point of "nations" and "planet earth" IF we continue on this path of intelligence curve then one day we will be able to live non violently.

I'm not completely anti-war go peace etcetc, war is just one example of how the human race is in its infancy. Another example is dan.
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Post by hascoolnickname » Sun Apr 22, 2007 2:46 pm

and in this region we're allies with who again? is that saudi arabia you say? the most extremist undemocratic country in all of the middle east? whats that? we fund israel and give them weapons to kill palestineans and take their land so their can build their apartheid wall and force them into ghettos like the holocaust? whats that? the united states destroyed the democratic government in iran so they could take the oil which had been nationalized? whats that? america funded saddam hussein? america funded bin laden and the taliban? the us went into a region that they dont know shit about and expected everyone to be happy with their occupation while they killed their children raped their women and took their oil.
oh shit my bad i forgot we're the victims here and war is hell its not our fault
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Post by Original Sin » Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:37 pm

I'm not claiming we're innocent, nor am I claiming we (america, etc) are right. What I am saying is that we're in one hell of a clusterfuck, and there's no easy way out of it now. Past administrations fucked with the middle east, and now we have to deal with the problem that was created by it. I don't blame us as Americans, nor do I blame our soldiers. I blame the politicians in charge of these agendas, and the corporations that fund them.

For soldiers, war IS hell...for politicians, it's remarkably profitable, and therein lies one of our big problems. Our soldiers are fighting for an ideal that's being fed to them by the media and the government, while politicians and corporate entities are making a killing behind the scenes, all while spouting off 'freedom, freedom!' too keep the public of the opinion that we're doing the 'right' thing.

So, do I LIKE the war? No, I don't. But I don't believe we have much of a choice at this point. Even if we wanted to pull out (as it seems the nation at large wants to), it wouldn't be profitable to those running the war...and thus, we won't do it. We haven't guaranteed profits..*ahem*, sorry, freedom/victory, so we can't leave the poor Iraqi's high and dry.

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Post by sam » Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:40 pm

learn a little bit about world history. the muslim community is split into two major groups the shiites and the sunnis. these two groups despise each other and are constantly at war. if we were to pull out of iraq the sunnis would overthrow the shiites and take over iraq. then iran would begin its campaign taking iraq and then palestine and then taking on israel. there is no way we can leave them in the state they are without an established army or government. israel can't be the middle-east police forever.
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Post by Original Sin » Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:12 pm

sam wrote:learn a little bit about world history. the muslim community is split into two major groups the shiites and the sunnis. these two groups despise each other and are constantly at war. if we were to pull out of iraq the sunnis would overthrow the shiites and take over iraq. then iran would begin its campaign taking iraq and then palestine and then taking on israel. there is no way we can leave them in the state they are without an established army or government. israel can't be the middle-east police forever.
I know, that's another part of the problem. That's the legitimate problem with pulling out, profits and politics aside, and it's the reason I don't support pulling our military out yet. I don't support the war really, but I think it's better that we stay put than have to deal with the consequences of pulling out.

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Post by hascoolnickname » Sun Apr 22, 2007 5:44 pm

sam wrote:learn a little bit about world history. the muslim community is split into two major groups the shiites and the sunnis. these two groups despise each other and are constantly at war. if we were to pull out of iraq the sunnis would overthrow the shiites and take over iraq. then iran would begin its campaign taking iraq and then palestine and then taking on israel. there is no way we can leave them in the state they are without an established army or government. israel can't be the middle-east police forever.
They are constantly at war because of the borders drawn by the western imperialists, and seeing as how the shia are a majority in iraq theres no question as to why they won the democratic elections set up by the us. Saddam did a good job of suppressing the shia and kurdish uprisings while in power, and unlike Iran there was noone like Ayatolla Khomieni to come in and fill the power vaccuum after the dumbass united states took saddam out of power. They are in the state they are in because of the ignorant actions of the united states. Women are more oppressed now than they were under the rule of Saddam and radical islamic fundamentalism is on the rise. The longer we stay in there the more we stir up hate.
israel the middle-east police?? please :roll:
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Post by Potter » Sun Apr 22, 2007 6:49 pm

a new contraption to capture a dandelion in one piece has been put together by the crew
Riot wrote:My hair alone is like 5mb.
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