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Re: Eatin' food and gettin' buff

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:03 pm
by ImuyumI
Here's the title of my diet book "Eat right and exercise".

It'd just have the phrase, "Eat right and exercise" inside the book. Anything more complicated than that and I'll chase people with a wiffle bat.

Re: Eatin' food and gettin' buff

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:11 pm
by Ho
I was always fond of the title of this book: ... 800&sr=8-2

Also, I got to meet the author and enjoyed his energetic and engaging personality. His story of bouncing back from near death at 300 lbs. was inspiring.

Re: Eatin' food and gettin' buff

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:59 pm
by ImuyumI
I was originally 240 when I turned 22. Basically, my weight was always 10x+10=y, with x being my age, and y being my weight. When I turned 22 and it worsened the formula to +20, I stopped eating junk cold turkey. Lost 40 pounds, and lost 30 to DDR/PIU in a year and a half.

Re: Eatin' food and gettin' buff

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:19 pm
by Ho
I think I was somewhere in the neighborhood of 120 when I was 22. I'm about 160 now, so I've put on about 40 lbs. in the last 14 years. I've historically been underweight, so the 160 number in itself doesn't really bother me. It's the fact that those 40 lbs. seem to all be in my belly, just above my waist that bothers me. My old pants with natural waistlines (not low-rise) don't fit anymore. If it had distributed itself a little more evenly, I probably wouldn't have even noticed. But that's now how our bodies work...certainly not mine.

My biggest weaknesses are soda and portion sizes. I'm a habitual plate cleaner. American restaurant portions are generally out of control and I have not trained myself to leave food on my plate or take home leftovers. I could also stand to eat at home more (though I have a tendency to overeat at home, too).

My activity level has also fluctuated over the years. I was a lot better off at the peak of my DDR/PIU playing. It basically balanced out the overeating and the soda. If I could myself to play regularly or eat just a little bit less I would probably be ok.

And I remember the first time I saw you after not seeing you in awhile, John-Michael. I noticed the weight loss right away, and I believe I mentioned it. Whether I did or not, let me just say now that you look fantastic! Congratulations!

Re: Eatin' food and gettin' buff

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:49 am
by Fluffyumpkins
You need to eat less delicious food. :>

Re: Eatin' food and gettin' buff

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:55 am
by Merk
I'm not seeing the gains I would like to now. I'm staying under 100g of carbs and 1800 calories a day but I can't seem to break under 220.

These are things I enjoy eating and what I buy at the store:

90/10 lean beef
Chicken breasts
Protein Plus PowerBars
Egg whites
Zucchini Squash
Fat free refried beans
White onions
Light Caesar salads - no cheese
Fat free mozzerella
Ham from the deli
Light & Fit yogurt
Bottled water
Low carb wraps for Taco Tuesday
Protein powder

No bread, no pasta.

Do I just need to be more active? I play DDR twice a week and I play at least 3 sets (15 songs total with extra stage) each time with at least a 10 footer thrown in to two of the sets. I stopped lifting since my buddy's bar bell set up in his house (it's in front of the TV and he's literally always watching it) is not conducive to lifting, do I need to just say fuck it and take his weights outside?

Re: Eatin' food and gettin' buff

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:57 pm
by SoDeepPolaris
You lose weight by being at a caloric deficit. A lb is approximately 3500kcal. You create a caloric deficit by expending more than you consume, math is hard. If you aren't losing weight, you aren't creating a caloric deficit. A lb a week requires about ~500kcal under your maintenance every day. Make slight adjustments if you aren't making progress, keep track and work hard at it. You have very little unsaturated fat (and saturated for that matter) in your diet. A common misconception among those trying to lose weight or lean up is that dietary fat is correlated to body fat. It's not. Olive oil, peanuts, cashews, peanut butter and stuff like that are pretty solid components that I use.

Are you keeping a food log for portions and such? There were weeks where I'd feel like I was eating tons of food and not gaining any progress on the scale. I kept that routine but recorded the macros and calorie counts and discovered that I was about 500 calories short per day of where I needed to be to gain weight. That can also fluctuate on a day to day basis so daily weigh-ins are not constructive.

I highly doubt 2 days a week of semi-cardio is enough activity. You may lose weight simply by being low on calories but you won't be developing any muscle strength by ignoring the weights either. Honestly when I played DDR/ITG, I played 10s-14s primarily because of the HIIT nature of them (and it was natural progression after Konami stopped making harder stuff). Lots of stream and jump sections for 40s-2min followed by a couple minutes rest was pretty good interval training. When I was doing PA bullshit trying to AAA 7-10s, it was never enough to get my heart rate high enough. My friends who have had the most success with cardio routines in their weight-loss programs have done some sort of interval training versus the guy who's on a treadmill or elliptical for an hour. Do 20 minutes of 40 sec max, 30 sec slow intervals on a track and you get a better workout than Mr. Library Card on the Treadmill. Slap your friend in the dick for putting his weight equipment in front of his tv. It doesn't matter what Lee Corso is saying when you're weight lifting (as much as I love Lee Corso). You're setting yourself up for failure by placing a large distraction right in the room. This is why I hate the guys who pay $60 a month to come and talk for 20 minutes in my squat rack. Starbucks is down the street, old man.

Also, living at home has the disadvantage of your mom somehow assuming that bringing donuts home is a good idea. Not a few, like 3 bags. Self-control activate...fuck had 3 this morning.

Re: Eatin' food and gettin' buff

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:28 pm
by Pokebis
I've never had to deal with this overweight stuff. How do I start this game?

Re: Eatin' food and gettin' buff

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:36 pm
by Riot
You will be entered into the game at approximately junior or senior year of college. You do not have a choice, it's like rl Hunger Games.

Re: Eatin' food and gettin' buff

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:23 pm
by Fluffyumpkins
Mr. Library Card?

Re: Eatin' food and gettin' buff

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:26 pm
by SoDeepPolaris
Fluffyumpkins wrote:Mr. Library Card? ... ding-chair

Re: Eatin' food and gettin' buff

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:41 am
by Fluffyumpkins
On a similar note, does anyone feel like outrunning cancer? ... id=ZL2VWJ7

Re: Eatin' food and gettin' buff

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:29 pm
by Merk
Moved the weights to the garage - we don't have a bench or anything so I've just been doing curls and working my shoulders and triceps. Are there any good free weight exercises that work my lower back?

How the fuck do I do a proper bent over row? I feel like I'm going to fall over but if I don't bend over too much I feel like I'm not working my back at all.

I will look like this again one of these days...

Re: Eatin' food and gettin' buff

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:39 pm
by Fluffyumpkins
I miss my old shirt.

Re: Eatin' food and gettin' buff

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:44 pm
by Merk
Nate Tomlanovich took it. You gave it to me:


And then I let Nate borrow it for a party I think. Never got it back - I'm sorry.