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Wish List Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:03 pm
by Jeff Jeff Revolution
Some people have been asking me what I want for Christmas (already), and I've thought to no avail. An idea hit me: everyone post what they're wanting, so maybe I or someone else can have some general idea of what to tell people.

My List: (2 Items)
-Beatmania for PS2
-DVD Player, because I still operate on VHS.

What do you want?

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:30 pm
by Riot
(Your PS2 can play DVDs :o )

-PS3 I guess..... I don't know.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:40 pm
by danc1005
LG Chocolate.

Who doesn't like Chocolate?

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:21 pm
by SoDeepPolaris
dance1005 wrote:LG Chocolate.
I've heard from numerous friends that it just isn't good. It fails as an mp3 player and it fails as a phone. Someone playing music on the built in speakers in public just pisses me off.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:33 pm
by Fluffyumpkins
Empty arcade cabinet. I really want to make a MAME cab.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:01 pm
by Bionix
Evry Star Trek movie and evry episode from evry series.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:07 pm
by Jeff Jeff Revolution
dance1005 wrote:LG Chocolate.

Who doesn't like Chocolate?
My diabetic cousin.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:13 pm
by Riot
Bionix wrote:Evry Star Trek movie and evry episode from evry series.
Ask for a dictionary, too.

What else should I ask for that's more realistic than PS3? What are cool things for computers that will make me uber mega ultra super totally powerful when I play Counter-Strike? Besides skill.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:18 pm
by ShammerS
You asked for it!
  • The destruction of Grey's Anatomy and society's perception of quality programming.

    Another mix of DDR.

    More time than 24 hours every day.

    Harsher punishments for drunk driving. (In some countries, you're pulled over and it's 2 years in prison. That would stop 14k people/year* from dying here in our drunken nation.:twisted: )

    A long, well written post from Potter that shows proper use of English grammar and puncuation that invokes a sense of meaning.**

    A singing voice. A good singing voice.

    Riot's children.

    A time machine.

    The realization that gay is okay but gay with kids is asking for trouble.***

    And, last but not least, Halo 3. Now.

*CDC count as of 2005.

**We can all dream!

***Keep it in the PM's, queers!

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:18 pm
by Potter
gfx card, more ram, and new cpu

in that order of importance

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:39 pm
by Potter
ShammerS wrote:A long, well written post from Potter that shows proper use of English grammar and puncuation that invokes a sense of meaning.

Well, I've done it before and haven't seen any realistic byproduct of the time and effort simultaneously put into the afformentioned posts. This leads on to tell us we do not care about length, quality of the message introduction and grammar or spelling, but rather the message itself. (I've known this since day one) In this postmodernist world thats pretty believable, considering all our culture is now so decided on viewing everything objectively and not quite using the god given thought process to anylize what we are doing, the meaning, the true nature of objective viewing of right and wrong, the realization there is no such thing. Unless you go by the morals of a god, that is the only perspective you could logically use to view things objectively as right and wrong. But that isnt stopping this mass media globalized all-trusting world of today. Where people can't make there own decisions, All forms of expression of the human creative processs are becoming of less intellectual value, as obviously a product of the fact that the amount of intellectual value that now goes into them is now becoming less. We live in a world where people believe smarter is getting better grades, being better is being stronger, being mean is being cooler, and where having half of a thought processing better half of a mind is not the hip thing to do. Can we stop this? no. Do we want to? No. Modern times are over, we are now existing in a post-modern world. Whos fault? human nature. allowed to seep into existance from us since day one, its lead us to be the way we are slowly and slowly. Intellectual value is not valued, going agianst all logic and forms of human endearment is "cool" and makes you look "hard", The values being taught is to respect the unrespectable, learn the pointless-learnable, and to do what is told without one analytical thought from our ever shrinking minds. I exist on this forum, I post on this forum. There is no more, no less, no worse, no better. I often drop to the levels of thought processing and viewpoints of the "intelligent" posters here in arguements to humour myself, and its done its dandy. now im off to eat some candy. baibai and merry Christmas* (wtf did i get birthday) Sam Hammersly

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:08 pm
by Fagulous
Potter wrote:
ShammerS wrote:A long, well written post from Potter that shows proper use of English grammar and puncuation that invokes a sense of meaning.

Well, I've done it before and haven't seen any realistic byproduct of the time and effort simultaneously put into the afformentioned posts. This leads on to tell us we do not care about length, quality of the message introduction and grammar or spelling, but rather the message itself. (I've known this since day one) In this postmodernist world thats pretty believable, considering all our culture is now so decided on viewing everything objectively and not quite using the god given thought process to anylize what we are doing, the meaning, the true nature of objective viewing of right and wrong, the realization there is no such thing. Unless you go by the morals of a god, that is the only perspective you could logically use to view things objectively as right and wrong. But that isnt stopping this mass media globalized all-trusting world of today. Where people can't make there own decisions, All forms of expression of the human creative processs are becoming of less intellectual value, as obviously a product of the fact that the amount of intellectual value that now goes into them is now becoming less. We live in a world where people believe smarter is getting better grades, being better is being stronger, being mean is being cooler, and where having half of a thought processing better half of a mind is not the hip thing to do. Can we stop this? no. Do we want to? No. Modern times are over, we are now existing in a post-modern world. Whos fault? human nature. allowed to seep into existance from us since day one, its lead us to be the way we are slowly and slowly. Intellectual value is not valued, going agianst all logic and forms of human endearment is "cool" and makes you look "hard", The values being taught is to respect the unrespectable, learn the pointless-learnable, and to do what is told without one analytical thought from our ever shrinking minds. I exist on this forum, I post on this forum. There is no more, no less, no worse, no better. I often drop to the levels of thought processing and viewpoints of the "intelligent" posters here in arguements to humour myself, and its done its dandy. now im off to eat some candy. baibai and merry Christmas* (wtf did i get birthday) Sam Hammersly
Is it just me or do your short garbled messages make more sense?

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:23 pm
by Riot
ShammerS wrote:
Riot's children.
*nudge nudge* I can make your dreams come true, big boy. :wink:

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:48 pm
by Logan
In order of importance:
PS2 Supernova
Guitar Hero 2
gas money*what I wouldn't give...*
A decent English teacher

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:03 pm
by Potter
riots new sig is and will be forever the best gif I have ever seen in my life