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R.I.P Hunter S Thompson

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:37 am
by sam

this is a sad day :( i would've posted this yesterday but i was too incoherant to make a worthwhile post.

this makes me sad because an icon from a generation past has died. far and far fewer advocates of recreational drug use are existing today and are getting replaced by propaganda and mostly lies to keep people off the "horrible substances." Once Albert Hoffman & Alexander Shulgin die, I don't know how much worthwhile "drug evolution" will be. (Hoffman invented LSD & Shulgin has produced countless hallucinogens under the books PIHKaL & TIHKaL (phenethylamines/tryptamines I Have Known and Loved.)

Anyawys, for those of you who don't know who Hunter S Thompson is, he was the guy in Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas. He invented Gonzo Journalism, which was basically do as many drugs as possible and then make a fictitious article to be published based off his trip. His reads were always fascenating and he was a very interesting person. I always wanted to meet him.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:45 am
by SirPhobos
aw damnit. :( Well, he was kinda old... but shooting himself...? wow... Either way, it's sad news. He was such an ingenious journalist.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:09 am
by Ebola Gay
This man was a genius, and the only reason I've ever thought of putting pen to paper. Hunter just had a flare about him, a hint of irreverence (read: insanity) in a world of facts and dates. He was proof that great journalism isn't just knowledge of words and grammer, but of craziness, guts, and tenacity as well. I don't know a journalist, past or present, who would join the hells angels for two years for the sake of an interesting story. Hunter S. Thompson was that man.

This man was my hero. He will be missed.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:14 am
by CaseyDidder
Ebola Gay wrote:This man was a genius, and the only reason I've ever thought of putting pen to paper. Hunter just had a flare about him, a hint of irreverence in a world of facts and dates. In an interview with Conen O'Brian he says "I made these shoes" To which Conen replies "No you didn't, they've got the nike swoosh on them!" "But it adds a certain panache".

He was proof that great journalism isn't just knowledge of words and grammer, but of craziness, guts, and tenacity as well. I don't know a journalist, past or present, who would join the hells angels for two years for the sake of an interesting story. Hunter S. Thompson was that man.

This man was my hero. He will be missed.
grammar? haha had to do it.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:19 am
by Ebola Gay
CaseyDidder wrote:grammar? haha had to do it.
Oh man, hilarious! You cannot see it, but I'm holding my sides from laughter right now! I am on the verge of pissing myself I'm laughing so hard. Such wit! You sure got me! Oh Casey, you card!

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:46 am
by CaseyDidder
Ebola Gay wrote:
CaseyDidder wrote:grammar? haha had to do it.
Oh man, hilarious! You cannot see it, but I'm holding my sides from laughter right now! I am on the verge of pissing myself I'm laughing so hard. Such wit! You sure got me! Oh Casey, you card!
tard would have been better for the intelligence you attempt to throw out :)

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 12:00 pm
by Ebola Gay
CaseyDidder wrote:tard would have been better for the intelligence you attempt to throw out :)
At least my posts are easy to read, as opposed to yours. Your posts could be likened to a symphony of clanging pots and pans, extremely loud, annoying as hell, and any efforts to make sense of it all are doomed from the start.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:43 pm
by ShammerS
As irrelevant as it may seem, my thoughts are:


Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:16 pm
by Fluffyumpkins
Internet doesn't care about HST.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:36 pm
by Secef
Terrible and tragic news. That guy was one of a kind.

I suppose this puts a damper on his plan to popularize the world's next great sport, Shotgun Golf.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:41 pm
by God Of Rock

The only thing in the world that
could get me to play golf.....

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:37 pm
by sam
Fluffyumpkins wrote:Internet doesn't care about HST.
you don't care.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:54 pm
by Grubb
Not to sound rude or anything about this guy's death. But I really don't see what the big deal is.

I don't know, I guess it's the same thing with Dale Earnheart. I just don't see what all the hoop-la is about. Sure it's sad... It's sad when pretty much anyone died. But even Dale Earnheart would think that people are taking his death way too far, and I'm thinking the same kinda thing is going on here.

I mean, no offence to the guy or anything. But is his death really that sad?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:36 pm
by chocobojoe

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:40 pm
by Grubb
I'm not debating that if it's sad or not! I tried to make it very clear that I thought it was sad too.

I was just asking what makes this guy so different from all those other celebrities that end up dying. I mean there have been LOTS of celebrities whove died, many of whom kill themselves too. But what makes him so special that people have to get all freaked up about it?