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Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 10:09 pm
by letshavetea
yea... *stabs plague* omg he was doin horribly today... we had to carry him every game

i dont think he played one match today where he had more kills than deaths...

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 10:43 pm
by TylerHHS
Probably not, but because of him we got stuck with low level players. Ghandi is normally not that bad, sometimes he does better than me, oh well, I want to get my horns!

Play again tomorrow?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 10:59 pm
by ShammerS
If you guys are interestedin winning team games, give me a holler sometime. I'll get you your horns, baby. ;-)

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 6:43 am
by TylerHHS
Deal, Llama, a couple other guys, and I, probably won 12/15 games of team slayer.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 1:47 pm
by letshavetea
I'm probably not going to be online tonight. I am going to the arcade to play some ITG so if I do get online, it will be late. Anyways, Shammers I need another friend request from you too. I'll play with you all later.

GT: Llama Juice

(I am in school, and the only way my teacher will allow me to post in class is if I use proper grammar and punctuation and such.)

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 11:27 pm
by TylerHHS
I got to 15 in slayer tonight, almost to 16.

I can smell my horns now!

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 9:48 am
by letshavetea
Horns smell funny,

plus a 16 is crap now :(.. experiance wise a 18 now is the same as a 10 before...

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 1:34 pm
by TylerHHS
17 in slayer, and 18 is definitely not a 10 in comparison :P

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 4:53 pm
by letshavetea ... &topic=180

thats what i was talking about with the rankings... an old 10 has the same experiance top as a new 18... right now (while people are still leveling to get to their top levels) it wont seem like it.... but in a month or two when everyone has played enough matchmaking to actually matter.... an 18 wont be much....

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 11:28 pm
by TylerHHS
Level 18 in slayer, w00t.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 12:25 am
by ShammerS
letshavetea wrote: thats what i was talking about with the rankings... an old 10 has the same experiance top as a new 18... right now (while people are still leveling to get to their top levels) it wont seem like it.... but in a month or two when everyone has played enough matchmaking to actually matter.... an 18 wont be much....
I have to disagree. Tonight I got 18, and trust me, it's nothing like the 10's. In my opinion, the rankings are already where they were in the old one, perhaps a bit higher, but not nearly an 8 level difference.

This, of course, is solely from my Rumble Pit experience. My next highest level, 17, is in Double Team, and since it's new, I can't say how difficult a 17 should be.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 10:35 am
by Spartan_117
Yeah I like to do rumble pit, It's really easy to level up in and you do'nt even have to win! It's just the fact that I haven't been on Xbox Live the past 4 weeks or so, because I have to study for final exams. well...I'm out.

Peace in 1944

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 1:14 pm
by letshavetea
there is a massive level difference... my friend used to be a 13 in rumble pit.... now he is a 25 heh...

i used to have to try to get to a 16... i dont even try now and im a 19... its sad really

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 10:54 pm
by ShammerS
letshavetea wrote:there is a massive level difference... my friend used to be a 13 in rumble pit.... now he is a 25 heh...
Let's hope your right; I used to be a 19, and right now I'm just shy of 20, but it doesn't feel any easier than it used to be.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 9:56 am
by letshavetea
well either i got a lot better since the levels changed, everyone else got a lot worse, or the leveling system is a lot easier... i dunno

i thought it was funny cause everyone was like "OMG HOW DID YOU GET YOUR 21?!" and im like... uhh i played a few matchmaking games and they are like "WHO did You play WitH?!" i was like "I played with Ample.. that shows how much you have to try now to level up" haha... Ample is a noob... so i thought it was funny...

anyways.. i dont really care anymore.. all i know is that everyone is 5-6 levels higher than they used to be...

what about team preview? anyone play that? I hate how people complain about it they are like "WHY ARE YOU PLAYING THAT?! ITS GOING TO ERASE ANYWAYS!" so what... Halo is a game... its for fun not for ranking bragging rights