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"anyone got x-box live"

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:34 pm
by DDR uhh idunno
i know this is ddr forums but anyone got x-box live

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:42 pm
by sam
go to other games

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:52 pm
by LikeableRodent
Moved to Other Games and changed the title of the thread to something more informative than "Random(subject to change)".

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:08 pm
by sam
there's already a xbox live thread though



Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:19 pm
by LikeableRodent
The other thread had very little to do with Xbox Live from the start and didn't get much better with time.

I'm starting to doubt that this one will really take off either.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:36 pm
by Spartan_117
Hey, Yeah...I've got Xbl
My gamertag is-Chiefownsj00

I play alot of halo 2 and MTX:mototrax.

Send me a friend request.

Oh, You should have posted in "Xbox live" thread instead of making a new one. (just a thought :D )

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 7:48 pm
by DDR uhh idunno
k i'll go add u

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 7:57 pm
by letshavetea
umm warning spartain 117 he is 13 years old and annoying... but your a standby noob anyways so ohwell

just to reply to that last reply

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 5:24 pm
by DDR uhh idunno
hey lets have tea i dunno who u are but oh yea ur the guy llama juice i creamed in matchmaking ur just made cuz i wouldn't accept ur friends request

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 6:44 pm
by Spartan_117
umm warning spartain 117 he is 13 years old and annoying... but your a standby noob anyways so ohwell
Actually, I'm 14 years old, not annoying and still godly at halo 2 so, stop calling me a noob until i see you (not your little noobie buddy dragonsmiter) try to snipe;what was that 3 shots to kill a guy? lmao!!! i love it when you people call me a noob. I'm buying a new account in a couple of days, I'll play "legit" like all of the other noobs on this forum. I'll still be at least 21 if i play "legit". Lol.

I could care less if any of the admins banned me. This forum is already shit, filled full of halo 2 newbies (cute, might i add) and queers who will never get laid.


Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:06 pm
by sTk uNhOly
hey chief wats up ummmmmmm just to let u guys know u cant beat me and chief in a game. sorry to burst your bubble but you cant.

get on with it and no more flamin ight?

welcome im new dont flame
i have never played dance dance revolution in my life but it seems like no one else does here ether.

i got xbox live, but idont accept friend requests from people 20 under sry.
my gt is stk unholy, im in stk which is a clan that owns everybody. we cheat so get over it.
otay good

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:07 pm
by Grubb
Spartan_117 wrote:I don't need women. Halo 2 gives me a big enough orgasm for 3 women! I love to stick my what's-a-dilly in that little hole on the disk.

I love you Halo 2! Your the sexiest thing that ever lived. Your the only one who can give me the kind of love I need, and your still the only one who can make me orgasm!

Hehe ~_^
Dude, Whatever. Nobody wants to hear how much of a rabid Halo fan you are. Some of us like to live in the real world, where we have "Jobs" and "a life." We don't care how good you think you are, and calling people "N00B" and "Un1337" or whatever the Hell you kids call it. Seriously, what kind of insult is that suppose to be anyway?

I'm sure there are plently of other people on this board who would kick your ass at this game, many of whom don't even need to practice for hours on end right after they get off the bus from school to get that good.

Just spare us your childish rants about how good you are. Nobody wants to hear it. I know I'm not alone when I say that I'm sick to death of rabid Halo fans like yourself.

Grow up kid, it's just a game.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:16 pm
by God Of Rock
I love it when reading a thread makes me feel old....

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:20 pm
by Original Sin
Spartan_117 wrote:
umm warning spartain 117 he is 13 years old and annoying... but your a standby noob anyways so ohwell
Actually, I'm 14 years old, not annoying and still godly at halo 2 so, stop calling me a noob until i see you (not your little noobie buddy dragonsmiter) try to snipe;what was that 3 shots to kill a guy? lmao!!! i love it when you people call me a noob. I'm buying a new account in a couple of days, I'll play "legit" like all of the other noobs on this forum. I'll still be at least 21 if i play "legit". Lol.

I could care less if any of the admins banned me. This forum is already shit, filled full of halo 2 newbies (cute, might i add) and queers who will never get laid.

You're 14. And frankly, I'm sick you throwing the world noob around. Everyone starts, it's part of a game. And if you think you're so much better than everyone here, then why not do us all a favor and leave? If we're all newbs, and queers who'll 'never get laid,' then obviously you're an elitist pig who doesn't belong here. Right?
As for what you claimed, I've already been laid, plenty of times. And I don't play Halo, but guess what? I can snipe, with real bullets, out of a real rifle. I don't need Halo to get my rocks off. It's just a game, that's all Halo is. Perhaps you'll realize that when you find out that the real world exists.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:22 pm
by LikeableRodent
omg n00b5 got teh thred l0ckz0r3d!!