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Finding games like Fallout 3

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 7:31 pm
by SailorFlora
I can't stop playing Fallout 3 (over 150 hours so far), so I tried looking up games that are similar.

I have the Dragon Age games, and Fallout New Vegas, (have yet to play it). Haven't gotten around to getting any Mass Effect games, Elder Scrolls, or Borderlands, that really all there is? Any suggestions?

Re: Finding games like Fallout 3

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 7:39 pm
by Riot
Well the Mass Effect series is really great, and Skyrim was a fun game as well. If you haven't played those, then you should.

Divinity 2: Eco Dragonis is supposed to be a pretty decent open world exploratory RPG. Bioshock is another FPS-RPG hybrid with a good story. Oh, Kingdoms of Amalur came out recently and is really good. Look into that maybe. But yeah, ME series and Skyrim.

Re: Finding games like Fallout 3

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 8:32 pm
by dubukat
I was just playing Fallout New Vegas recently. The game play style I like, but man it's dreary and depressing... I switched back to Skyrim today which I haven't gotten far in yet. Same idea, different style.

Re: Finding games like Fallout 3

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 8:49 pm
by SailorFlora
I've been told that I would like Skyrim if I liked Fallout 3/New Vegas. I usually try to find used games since nowadays I feel horribly guilty to buy a new game at full price, especially when monies are an issue. :S

And I actually had little interest for Bioshock because I never really learned what the gameplay was. >,>; I will look into it now.

I really love the retro/post-apocalyptic plot of the Fallout games. I've played about an hour or so into New Vegas, so my only complaint for that game is how small the game world is compared to 3. (Biggest complaint for 3 is the damn metro system and how lots of areas are only accessible through them.)

Thanks guys, digging the suggestions. Keep 'em coming. :3

Re: Finding games like Fallout 3

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 7:57 am
by dubukat
back to Mass Effect, I love ME2 & 3. I hadn't finished 2, played through 3, went back, finished 2, imported my 2 character into 3. Finished 3 again then imported my 3 character into 3 again for another play through. If you liked Dragon Age as far as the character interactions with companions it's very similar. The voice actor who did Carth in KOTOR does the voice for Kaidan in ME (Raphael Sbarge) which just about guarantees I will love the character. I heard his voice when my hubby was playing ME1 and although I hadn't been interested I suddenly wanted to play the game. XD
Have you played Fable 2? I really liked that one also, but not sure it's similar.

Re: Finding games like Fallout 3

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 8:11 am
by Fluffyumpkins
Kotor (D&D Star Wars) might be a good one. I never played it, but a lot of people say it was a good series.

Bioshock is a really easy game, but the story is engaging and the world they created is fantastic. RPG elements are always nice. First person shooters and controllers never really clicked for me, but Bioshock is easy enough that it didn't end up being a big deal.

Re: Finding games like Fallout 3

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 10:53 am
by SailorFlora
Fluffyumpkins wrote:Kotor (D&D Star Wars) might be a good one. I never played it, but a lot of people say it was a good series.
Isn't that an Xbox exclusive title? (-3-);
dubukat wrote:back to Mass Effect, I love ME2 & 3. I hadn't finished 2, played through 3, went back, finished 2, imported my 2 character into 3. Finished 3 again then imported my 3 character into 3 again for another play through.

O,o zoinks! I've seen my cousin play ME2 on his 360, and it looked cool. :3 Oooh, I didnt know you could import! I like that feature; the first time I saw it in FF X-2 it made me so happy.

Re: Finding games like Fallout 3

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 11:17 am
by Merk
Just play Fallout 1 and 2.

If you need to have a FPRPG then Oblivion and any of its billion clones are basically the same game. The older Elder Scrolls games are FPRPGs of an earlier generation so while they are interesting to look at they don't have the bells and whistles of today's Elder Scrolls games like Oblivion/Skyrim. Non-linear, open-ended narratives aren't my cup of tea but if you get tired of Fallout 3 then Skyrim is more of the same in a fantasy setting.

I have not played Mass Effect but Riot raves about it and you can cut your wiener off in that game so that's pretty funny.

Re: Finding games like Fallout 3

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 12:38 pm
by SailorFlora
Merk wrote:Just play Fallout 1 and 2.
I have the first two Fallouts. Just havent gotten around to playing them yet, partly because: my PC is about 6 years old and couldn't handle it, and I didn't think Chad's Delltop could either. :p
Merk wrote:If you need to have a FPRPG then Oblivion and any of its billion clones are basically the same game. The older Elder Scrolls games are FPRPGs of an earlier generation so while they are interesting to look at they don't have the bells and whistles of today's Elder Scrolls games like Oblivion/Skyrim. Non-linear, open-ended narratives aren't my cup of tea but if you get tired of Fallout 3 then Skyrim is more of the same in a fantasy setting.
I think I keep playing F3 because I don't want it to end, which could be counterproductive because I'm nearing lv 27 and I know the cap is 30. I'm not
sure what will happen if I reach that without finishing the main quest...except extreme bugginess/glitchyness. (Cmon, a GotY where they didn't seem to even TRY to patch things up? For shaaame.)

Maybe I should give these FPSRPGs a rest and play me some Pokémans.

Re: Finding games like Fallout 3

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 7:41 am
by Merk
Fuck it just play Diablo III so you can bond together with Chad and strengthen your relationship. You can play as a female monk which is probably the most anime class.

Re: Finding games like Fallout 3

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 1:37 pm
by Riot
Dragon's Dogma just came out and it looks pretty cool. Like a more open world, high fantasy-inspired Dark Souls type game.

"If you’re the kind of player that can get completely lost in these sorts of open world RPGs, you’re going to eat Dragon’s Dogma alive. However much its reach exceeds its grasp in certain respects, this ambitious game succeeds in taking the form in an altogether welcome direction--one that does not sacrifice minute-to-minute gameplay on the altar of expansiveness. If you have a few dozen hours to spare, we could think of much worse ways to spend them."

Re: Finding games like Fallout 3

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:47 pm
by Riot
Just bought Dragon's Dogma. This game is pretty dang fun. It's like Baldur's Gate + Dark Souls. The world is big and pretty and you can interact with a lot of it (shoot an apple out of the tree and pick it up to eat! weeeee. Pick up random villagers and throw them off cliffs! weeee!). I like it a lot so far.

Re: Finding games like Fallout 3

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:16 am
by SailorFlora
Riot wrote:Just bought Dragon's Dogma. This game is pretty dang fun. It's like Baldur's Gate + Dark Souls. The world is big and pretty and you can interact with a lot of it (shoot an apple out of the tree and pick it up to eat! weeeee. Pick up random villagers and throw them off cliffs! weeee!). I like it a lot so far.
Sounds fun! I like picking things up and throwing them. C: Violence, wee! Hahahah

Also, I'm offcially done with Fallout 3. It's gotten so glitchy that I can't even just leave buildings without the screen staying black forever/freezing. =/

Re: Finding games like Fallout 3

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:21 am
by SailorFlora
Merk wrote:Fuck it just play Diablo III so you can bond together with Chad and strengthen your relationship. You can play as a female monk which is probably the most anime class.
I think Chad's given up on Diablo for good. I don't want him to relapse if I were to start playing it. :wink:

Dante's Inferno, despite being another God of War clone (down to pedestals of green=health, purple=mana, yellow=special rage attack), is very engaging story-wise. You can't really beat the source material. Although I'm not sure if the canto/whatever it's called for the Lust Circle featured a topless Cleopatra with mouths (that spew sickle-armed unbaptized, undead babbies) where her nips should be. O.o

Re: Finding games like Fallout 3

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:49 am
by Riot

I'm trying to sell all my stuff for real dolla dolla bills at the moment.