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DDR FINAL STAGE 2: Sponored: Red Octane / ChannelBeat

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 11:58 am
by RyogAkari
DDR Final Stage 2: Choose Your Mix Tournament

Sponsored By:








Explanation: I've ordered some replacement arrows for the machine, so some of the arrows will be retired. To help me along with this, 1st and 2nd place of each tournament will get to select an arrow panel from the machine (corresponding to the color from the mix that they won) to take home as a trophy.

When: November 5th 11AM Registration *for 5th mix*
Where: University of Louisville Student Activities Center. 3rd Floor Game Room
Click here for directions

Platforms to choose from: Extreme and 5th Mix

NOTE: You can now register for both tournaments! See payment section for more details.

Description: Players entering tournament get to choose from two mixes (Extreme or 5th Mix) to compete for the top. The winner of the 5th mix tournament and the winner of the Extreme tournament get to choose their prizes simultaneously. If both the 5th mix winner and Extreme winner choose the same prize, they must compete for 1st and 2nd place on Extreme using only 5th Mix, 4th Mix, 3rd Mix, 2nd Mix, 1st Mix or Solo Mix songs. The rest of the prizes will be raffled off. Each player will recieve a raffle ticket for each round that they are a part of. If your number is called for the raffle, then you get to choose your prize at that time. 1st and 2nd place are disqualified from the raffle since they have already won a prize. You are only eligiable for one prize.

NEW! : Because of the amount of sponsorships that we are recieving now, 2nd place of each tournament will also get their choice of prizes. 2nd place of both tournaments will get to choose their prize simultaneously. If they both choose the same prize, they will have to compete for it in the same manner as mentioned above.

Note: The winner and 2nd place of the 5th mix tournament may still compete in the Extreme tournament, but he or she is uneligable for another prize. In the event that he or she wins or get's second place in the Extreme tournament, 2nd place or 3rd place will be declared the stand in first place winner or stand in 2nd place for the Extreme tournament.

Date: November 5th starting at 11AM with registration for 5th Mix.

5th Mix tourney
12:00 PM is when the first match starts. People may show up late to enter the 5th mix tournament only until the last bye is filled from the 1st round. Note: 5th mix will be limited to 16 people! It's first come first serve so if you know you want to be in the 5th mix tournament, come early!

Extreme tourney: Registration 2 PM. Tournament: 3PM

Registration for the Extreme tournament will take place starting at 2PM regardless of whether or not the 5t mix tournament is done. The tournament will not start until the 5th mix tournament has come to an end. 3PM is a good estimate on when you can expect the tournament to start.

Seeding: Random for both tournaments. The earlier you come, the better random seeding you can expect.

Song Selection: Songs are drawn from Cards. No song will be repeated until all of the songs have been played. If a person draws a song that is a 10 footer or a flashing 10, they reserve the right to select another song.


5th Mix: The only acceptable mod is Flat
Extreme: Acceptable mods: Speed mods, Solo if both people OK it, Flat

Scoring: 2 songs. This is Point Attack not Song attack, meaning that the total amount of points are calculated from both songs to determine the winner.

Point System:

Perfects - 2
Greats - 1
O.K.s - 2


5th Mix tournament: Single Elimination
Extreme Tournament: If under 32 people Double Elimination. If over 32 people, single Elimination.

Winners Bracket: 2 songs. Points totaled

Losers Bracket: For sake of time, 1 song Sudden Death

Pad preference: The person drawing a card first gets to pick their pad. Next time the other person will draw a card and will ge to pick their pad. For the losers bracket: If both people prefer the same pad then a coin will be tossed to determine who gets to pick their pad.

Entry Fee: 10 dollars or prize donation (see next section). You may enter both tournaments, but you must pay an additional 5 dollars cash. No prize donation substitute will be accepted for the additional 5 dollars.

Prizes: my new idea that I call a "Prize Potluck". Instead of bringing in an entry fee you can bring in an acceptable prize valueing 10 dollars or more. Acceptable prizes include but are not limited to: gift certificates, new apparel, new release DVDs, Anime, game systems, new release PC Games, anything DDR/PIU/ITG related, things from this generation of console games (PS2, GameCube, XBox) that are not ancient releases. If you have a question on whether or not your prize is "acceptable" feel free to PM me.
I reserve the right to refuse any prize for any reason at the door and ask that you pay the entry fee to enter the tournament.
Prizes may be put together with other prizes to make small collections as prizes.

Cash Prizes? Most likely not this time. I have to rent the room to have a tournament on a day that the room is not normally open. This is expensive to say the least and I'll most likely need to use all of the entry fees to break out close to even. Besides, we have some great sponsors this time around and that should make up for the cash prizes.

Failure to show up to a match: If you are not present at your match your match will be skipped and will be called again after the next match. If you fail to return by the end of that round of matches you will be disqualified.

Since we are renting the place we should be able to have the volume up nice and loud and the lights off in that section to get rid of any chance of glare. Also we'll have other things set up in the back room like Beatmania IIDX, other music games, console games (Halo 2, etc) and other things.

Most importantly, come out for a great time and a great tournament!

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:56 pm
by UnLiMiTeDmAxX
I'm going to this. I'll get whooped seeing as I havent played DDR in months but it'll be fun seeing the KY crew.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 2:30 pm
by Karl
You know I'm game.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:09 pm
by imadancefreakincolumbus
im in but the idea for prizes suck

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:43 pm
by TaQa
imadancefreakincolumbus wrote:im in but the idea for prizes suck
Not like you're good enough to win any anyway.

Shannon > You
Karl > You
Poop > You

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:35 pm
by UnLiMiTeDmAxX
Ahahaha funniest thing i've heard in a while!!! Im still going too

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:32 pm
by Dyme
TaQa wrote:
imadancefreakincolumbus wrote:im in but the idea for prizes suck
Not like you're good enough to win any anyway.

Shannon > You
Karl > You
Poop > You
lol. poop is greater than all of us combined.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 7:43 am
by imadancefreakincolumbus
TaQa wrote:
imadancefreakincolumbus wrote:im in but the idea for prizes suck
Not like you're good enough to win any anyway.

Shannon > You
Karl > You
Poop > You
i bet i can kick your ass though

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 10:44 am
by TaQa
imadancefreakincolumbus wrote:
TaQa wrote:
imadancefreakincolumbus wrote:im in but the idea for prizes suck
Not like you're good enough to win any anyway.

Shannon > You
Karl > You
Poop > You
i bet i can kick your ass though
Is that a challenge? I enjoy challenges, even though I suck at DDR now.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 1:48 pm
by imadancefreakincolumbus
meet me in indy at circle center 1pm sat. the 17

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:33 pm
by Riot
LoL, this is like West Side story, where the rival gangs have a dance off.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 5:57 pm
by Potter
imadancefreakincolumbus wrote:meet me in indy at circle center 1pm sat. the 17

OK. Seriously. you need to stfu and stop throwing out pointless brags. You fucking suck and columbus is probably home to worst players. Come to indy and get your fuckin ass kicked, then you can stfu and stop posting because all you post is ZOMGZ PLAY ME IM SO GOOD THE BEST PEOPLE ARE IN COLUMBUS

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 10:51 pm
by RyogAkari
I added a trophies section (see first post). I have replacement arrows coming in so for the tournament people will actually be able to take a real arrow panel home with them if they win first or second place in one of the tournaments. 4 arrows in total will be given away. 2 blue and 2 red.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 10:19 pm
by RyogAkari
Ok, this tournament just got a whole lot sweeter!!!!!!!

First off, Red Octane confirmed their sponsorship (which means the header and first post will be updated tomorrow!). They are sending one of their hot n spicy awesome pads as a prize.


get this....

Channelbeat is sponsoring me! No joke! They are sending as follows:

DDR Extreme Marquee
DDR 1st Mix arcade CD
DDR 2nd Mix arcade CD

Also, they are donating me the original advertisements that go around the border of the monitor to make the machine look extra spiffy for the tournament!


Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 3:15 pm
by Karl
Is it an AfterBurner pad? Or just an ignition?