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Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:18 am
by Spazz
Grubb wrote:No, idiots like you are the reason I left. All you people do is run around the boards randomly insulting people and then talk shit behind their backs like some high school chicken shit.

Grow up kid, I don't really care much where you get drunk and/or high at. I'll barhop as much as I want, and I don't even need a fake ID.

Sigh. You are a stoopid doo doo poopy head. There, the name calling is done and over with. Now quit with the shit slinging or we can make it fun.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:21 am
by CaseyDidder
1. its no fun when you are legal.

2. I don't got a 2.

3. Drinking isn't that fun to begin with.

4. money on spazz thx.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:03 am
by Grubb
Spazz wrote:Sigh. You are a stoopid doo doo poopy head. There, the name calling is done and over with. Now quit with the shit slinging or we can make it fun.
Whatever man, your the one who popped out of nowhere and desided to insult me. I never could figure out what the hell your problem was. Outside of various drug addictions that is.

Either way, this whole topic is obviously going no where. Could I get an admin to lock it?

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:23 am
by Spazz
Grubb wrote:
Spazz wrote:Sigh. You are a stoopid doo doo poopy head. There, the name calling is done and over with. Now quit with the shit slinging or we can make it fun.
Whatever man, your the one who popped out of nowhere and desided to insult me. I never could figure out what the hell your problem was. Outside of various drug addictions that is.

Either way, this whole topic is obviously going no where. Could I get an admin to lock it?
Drug addictions? I don't remember being addicted to any drugs recently. Or, you know, ever. You've obviously got me confused with someone else.

Why don't you go and cry over your dead woman or whatever, make women feel uncomfortable when they're obviously not interested in your creepy ass, or talk about how much fun you have at amusement parks, scoping out which little kid to fucking fantasize about... whatever the hell you need to do to pass the time. Just don't come over and call me a druggie when I'm standing up for someone.

I'm too tired to even flame your ass. Get a life, Grubb.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:36 am
by Original Sin
If I were a moderator, I would have moved it here as well. Furthermore, it's no more out of place or random than any of the other topics that come and go on this site. The only problem here is people throwing insults around for what seems to be no more reason than to malicious. Everyone bitched about the younger members before the old site when down, but now they're acting more mature than some of the older members.
Comared to the things that go through CC, this is nothing. What's a trip to a bar when we frequently discuss sex, alcohol and illegal substances on a regular basis? This is nothing new. The only reason anyone's bitching is because Grubb posted it. That's petty.
You may not like him, but going on like this is childish.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:48 am
by Grubb
Spazz wrote:Why don't you go and cry over your dead woman or whatever, make women feel uncomfortable when they're obviously not interested in your creepy ass, or talk about how much fun you have at amusement parks, scoping out which little kid to fucking fantasize about... whatever the hell you need to do to pass the time. Just don't come over and call me a druggie when I'm standing up for someone.

I'm too tired to even flame your ass. Get a life, Grubb.
Whatever man, you are a druggie. I recall you practically priding youself on that fact at one point.

Yeah, and insulting my late fiance'! Yeah, that was a real mature one on your part. Sorry man, you don't even know what your talking about.

As for the "make women feel uncomfortable when they're not interested in my creepy ass?" and the "scoping out little kids to fucking fantasize about?" Oh My! I haven't done either of those in years. I'm just so suprised to know so much about me, seeing as we're talked, maybe 4 or 5 times?

As for what I do to pass the time? Well, if you must know. I spend most of my time working at my new job to help pay my way though college, playing DDR, studing social science, surfing the internet, rollerskating, and occationally heading over to broadripple to do a little bar hopping, play a little pool, and meet new people. Maybe none of these things are as grand as your acid trips. But hey! to each their own.

Good luck with your future, BTW. I'm sure living life one pill at a time is a GREAT way to live.


[edit]As for what Sin said, that was my point a long time ago. I just made this post because I thought it might be fun to get together and meet some people closer to my own age from the group.

As for people not liking me? Well, most of the people who don't like me either A) Have never met me, or B) Are assholes in general, or C) both. But I think that most people on this site have a fairly good understanding of that.

People who acutally know me find me to be a fairly friendly and funny guy. The only reason anyone on this board would dislike me would be because of childish rumors and innuendo being spread around by various people, just like prissy little high school girls. The reason I had left the group was because I got sick of having to deal with a deluge of insults every fucking time I made a post, all steming from the same 3 or 4 people.

Either way, I'm done with this thread.

Could one of the mods please lock it. Thanks.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:18 am
by Ho
This has outlived any purpose it may have ever had. Locked.