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Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:53 am
by danc1005
pottar? sleep?


Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 10:18 am
by Jeff Jeff Revolution
I wish I could design my own ITG Theme Park. If so, there would definitely be a "Return of Salieri" coaster.

You'd sit in your cart, the seatbelt would "click" down, and then everything would go dark.

Suddenly, the words that intro the song would play, whatever they are.

Then, "dun-dun-dunnaudnandudndnduanaudnaudnaudanana, guitar solo." The ride takes off through loops, turns, and flips.


Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:47 am
by Cbav
Dang I really wish I could have gone. I reaaalllly would have enjoyed myself. Jeff I would have been another one of the guys pressuring you to ride some rides. haha.

I was stuck at work Sunday, and today i have to go to the High School for some Freshman orientation stuff. Yay for being a role model. :?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 12:24 pm
by Jeff Jeff Revolution
Cbav wrote:and today i have to go to the High School for some Freshman orientation stuff. Yay for being a role model. :?
You too? LOL. NPHS made me do that. I wouldn't mind if they had decided to throw me a (decent) bone.

I helped out for two days, and they didn't buy us pizza, pay us, or give us any extra credit.

All they gave me was a red T-shirt that said "freshman." I'm a junior.


Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:01 pm
by blackcat
I'm glad that the trip was a fun one for everyone. And Jeff was very brave the whole time, I gotta give him props, because it seriously took me a long time before I could get over my fear of heights, etc.

It took me FOUR SUMMERS as a little girl (I think age 12 til age 16) to get up the nerve to jump off the fourth platform at the local outdoor pool. Even though I knew I would be ok, I just didn't get up the nerve til someone made me mad by saying that I was a wuss and that I couldn't do it. It took me about two more summers to jump off the 5th platform which was only a few meters taller than the 4th.

From age 8 til about 15 or 16, I didn't ride rollercoasters because I was scared of them.

ALSO, it took me til age 15 to learn how to ride a bike because I was scared to ride one. And I don't drive because I'm too scared to, and I'm 20.

So trust me, I'm surprised that we didn't have to do MORE convincing to get you to go on rides. I think I was more of a scaredy cat than you at one time. Your bravery is remarkable.

Next summer, we are thinking of planning something more in advance for us all to embark on....we are thinking either King's Island or Cedar Point. I personally have never been to Cedar Point, so I think that would be a cool place for a big group of us to go. But it is too early to think about next summer. When the time comes around, I hope for a bigger turnout...including CBav not ditching out on us again :D

Yeah, we had some good times there....and I think Jeff skipped the quote, "I GOT A TURKEY I GOT A TURKEY!!!" lawlz.

I like to be random because randomness makes people smile :D

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:53 pm
by Effect.
blackcat wrote:It took me FOUR SUMMERS as a little girl (I think age 12 til age 16) to get up the nerve to jump off the fourth platform at the local outdoor pool. Even though I knew I would be ok, I just didn't get up the nerve til someone made me mad by saying that I was a wuss and that I couldn't do it. It took me about two more summers to jump off the 5th platform which was only a few meters taller than the 4th.

From age 8 til about 15 or 16, I didn't ride rollercoasters because I was scared of them.

ALSO, it took me til age 15 to learn how to ride a bike because I was scared to ride one. And I don't drive because I'm too scared to, and I'm 20.

So trust me, I'm surprised that we didn't have to do MORE convincing to get you to go on rides. I think I was more of a scaredy cat than you at one time. Your bravery is remarkable.

And then I found five dollars!!! :D

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:04 pm
by Pheonixguy
haha im too stubborn to be convinced to go on rollercoasters ^^
i slowly go on a bigger rollercoaster each year, ive heard people say that they get boring once you start going on huge ones :)

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:36 pm
by Cbav
yeah i'm game for Cedar Point next year. I love that place.